Thorsten Ball has a thirst for knowledge, so one day he decided to make a new Programming Language. He went from 0 lines of code to a fully working interpreter written in Go for the "Monkey" Language. Check it out at!
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Saving lives with light with Dr. Mary Lou Jepsen - ACM ByteCast
Big Migrations with Louis Beaudoin-Allaire
Reimagining the Windows Terminal with Warp's Zach Lloyd
Rhasspy and Home Assistant Voice with Dr. Michael Hansen
Psychology of Software Teams with Dr. Cat Hicks and owning your words with Manton Reece
Teaching the next-gen engineer with Dr Carlotta Berry
Blogging for Developers with Mark Downie
The Quantum Advantage with Dr Krysta Svore
Take hold of your own performance with Ash Coleman Hynie
Modernizing .NET Applications with Tomáš Herceg
What is AI's UI? with Maggie Appleton
Next steps for Open Sauced with Brian Douglas
The Boring Edition with Shopify's Glen Coates
The Return of Scott's Wife Mo
.NET Aspire with Anthony Simmon