Hanselminutes Podcast by Scott Hanselman

The Hanselminutes podcast

Fresh Tech Talk from Fresh Faces
The future of supply chain with Ox's CEO Charu Thomas

The future of supply chain with Ox's CEO Charu Thomas

Show #849 Jul 14 2022 Podcast Player with Transcript Help edit or fix transcripts here!

Ox optimizes fulfillment operations by automating manual tasks and increasing workforce efficiency. Ox's CEO Charu Thomas started thinking about this space in college and then ended up founded a company in Northwest Arkansas!

As a second-year undergraduate, Charu took her concept to Thad Starner, a professor in Georgia Tech’s College of Computing, who also was the technical lead/manager for Google Glass. The resulting research won the Best Paper Award at the 2018 ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) International Symposium on Wearable Computers.

This episode was produced in partnership with the ByteCast!

This episode sponsored by Raygun and Text Control

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