Hanselminutes Podcast by Scott Hanselman

The Hanselminutes podcast

Fresh Tech Talk from Fresh Faces
Exploring the Afghan girls robotics team with Saghar Salehi

Exploring the Afghan girls robotics team with Saghar Salehi

Show #910 Sep 14 2023 Podcast Player with Transcript Help edit or fix transcripts here!

Saghar Salehi is a former member of the Afghan girls’ robotics team. The team became a symbol for the progress of Afghan women. They participated in the global robotics competition held in the US in 2017 and won an award for “courageous achievement” given to teams who persevere through trying circumstances. The team was able to escape Afghanistan a few months ago, as the Taliban resurged. Scott talks with Saghar about the importance of STEM education and her plans for the future.

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